The Volunteer Firefighters’ Benefit Law and Volunteer Ambulance Workers’ Benefit Law provide cash benefits and/or medical care to volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers who are injured, become ill or die in the line of duty. While most of the laws that apply to volunteer firefighter and ambulance workers’ claims are the same as other workers’ compensation claims, the wage replacement benefits are very different.
Until recently, the maximum weekly benefit rate for volunteer firefighters was $400 per week – as compared to $1,125.46 in the workers’ compensation system. As of 7/1/22, however, the maximum weekly benefit rate for volunteer firefighters was increased to $650. This rate applies to any accident, illness or death in the line of duty that occurred on 7/1/21 or later. The other weekly benefit amounts have not changed – $400 per week for a disability of 75-99%, $268 per week for a disability of 50-74%, $30 per week for a disability of 25-49% and $0 for a disability less than 25%. If you were injured on or after 7/1/21 and are currently receiving benefits at the temporary total rate, the insurance carrier should have retroactively increased your benefits.
As with other workers’ compensation claims, the deadline to timely file a claim is within 2 years of the line of duty injury, illness or death.
For more information about workers’ compensation, Social Security Disability or personal injury, visit us at www.GreyAndGrey.com, email us at info@GreyAndGrey.com, or call any of our offices.
The Volunteer Firefighters’ Benefit Law and Volunteer Ambulance Workers’ Benefit Law provide cash benefits and/or medical care to volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers who are injured, become ill or die in the line of duty. While most of the laws that apply to volunteer firefighter and ambulance workers’ claims are the same as other workers’ compensation claims, the wage replacement benefits are very different.
Until recently, the maximum weekly benefit rate for volunteer firefighters was $400 per week – as compared to $1,125.46 in the workers’ compensation system. As of 7/1/22, however, the maximum weekly benefit rate for volunteer firefighters was increased to $650. This rate applies to any accident, illness or death in the line of duty that occurred on 7/1/21 or later. The other weekly benefit amounts have not changed – $400 per week for a disability of 75-99%, $268 per week for a disability of 50-74%, $30 per week for a disability of 25-49% and $0 for a disability less than 25%. If you were injured on or after 7/1/21 and are currently receiving benefits at the temporary total rate, the insurance carrier should have retroactively increased your benefits.
As with other workers’ compensation claims, the deadline to timely file a claim is within 2 years of the line of duty injury, illness or death.